Valve Replacement Surgery

1620022757 123 Valve Replacement Surgery: Types, Procedures, And Recovery

A form of heart illness called valvular Heart Disease arises when one or more of the four heart valves malfunction. Surgery to replace the heart valves may be necessary if they are too brittle, damaged, or otherwise unfit to mend. This procedure can be necessary if you have an aortic valve problem.
Blood flows from your heart into your aorta, which is your body’s main artery when this valve opens. When it shuts, blood flows to the rest of your body. When your aortic valve closes, it stops blood from flowing backward into your heart. It repeats this cycle with every pulse. Your physician might suggest replacing the valve surgically.

Why Could I Require Surgery To Replace Or Repair A Heart Valve?

Surgery to replace or repair one or more damaged heart valves is done to address the problems they cause. 

The following symptoms could indicate heart valve injury or disease: 


>Chest ache

>Breathing issues

>Heart palpitations

>Abdominal swelling in the feet, ankles, or abdomen

>Rapid weight increase due to retention of fluids

>For other reasons, your doctor might suggest heart valve replacement or repair surgery.

Risks Of Replace Or Repair A Heart Valve

The following hazards could arise with heart valve replacement or repair surgery:
> Bleeding during or after the surgery
> Blood clots that can cause lung problems, heart attacks, or strokes
> Virus Infection
> A case of pneumonia
> Pancreatitis
> Breathing difficulties

Types Of Heart Valve Surgery

The following are the two kinds of heart valve surgery: 

> A large portion of the patient’s tissue is preserved during valve repair surgery, which replaces the damaged or faulty valve. The mitral valve is repaired most frequently, while problems with the aortic and tricuspid valves can also be addressed with repair surgery. 

> Surgery to replace the damaged valve with a biological (derived from pig, cow, or human tissue) or mechanical (made of metal or carbon) valve. Your body won’t reject the replacement valve because every valve replacement is biocompatible. 

To identify the kind, location, and degree of your valve ailment, your healthcare provider will test you. The test results are used to choose the best procedure for you. Your physician will also consider the following: 

> The composition of your heart.

> How old you are.

> You have other health problems.

> Way of life 

Your cardiac surgeon may choose to combine valve surgery with other cardiac procedures. Examples include combining valve surgery with: and performing several valve surgeries simultaneously during surgery. 

> Avoid surgery

> Procedure to treat an aortic aneurysm

> Surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation

Speak with your healthcare provider about:
> When and how should you take your regular medications before surgery?
> When should you stop eating and drinking before surgery?

Personal Goods And Clothing

Your healthcare providers may suggest that you bring several items to the hospital, including: 

> A Duplicate of your advanced directive or living will

> A Rundown of the medications you take

> Glasses, dentures, or hearing aids

> Items like books or portable music players that could help you relax

> loose-fitting, cozy clothing

> Personal hygiene items include combs, shaving kits, toothbrushes, and more

What Happens After A Heart Valve Operation?

After surgery, your medical team may move you to an intensive care unit (ICU) so they can keep a close eye on you. After that, you’ll be in a typical room. Five to seven days could pass while you’re in the hospital.
There will be gadgets linked to you to monitor your heart rate and blood pressure. You may also have tubes going out of your chest to drain fluid.
Your surgeon will advise you to resume eating, drinking, and exercising as soon as possible following surgery. You might start with short walks in your room or down the hallway and work your way up to a more considerable distance.
Your physician could advise you to sign up for cardiac rehab, which is a strictly monitored workout regimen.


Complete healing could take many weeks or even months, depending on your healing pace and the type of operation you had. Keeping your incisions clean is essential because infection is the primary concern right after surgery. Never delay in contacting your physician if you see any of the following symptoms of a disease: 

Fever, chills, soreness or edema near the wound, and a buildup of wound drainage. 

When ought I to see my physician? 

Consult your physician if 

> Your chest or the region surrounding your incision pain.

> You go through depressive episodes. This can happen after surgery and make recovery take longer.

> You may have an infection if you have a fever.

> Your weight has increased by more than five pounds, which suggests fluid retention.

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