Head Injury: Mistakes to Avoid for a Safe Recovery

head Injury

Each day, people who are involved in road accidents, as well as other accidents, sustain serious head injuries. These injuries affect a person’s everyday life and are often very complex and expensive to treat. A person’s decisions immediately following the accident or injury can determine how quickly and how well they heal. The biggest mistakes that people make after sustaining a head injury include:

1) Not seeking medical help at once. Any head injury could result in life-threatening injuries. Head injury can result in serious or even fatal complications if the patient does not seek medical help in time. Only a medical professional can tell you whether they have sustained a serious head injury or not. Always err on the side of caution and seek medical help if a person has suffered any head injury – even if they do not yet have symptoms and seem to be okay.


2) Not keeping close track of symptoms. Keeping close track of symptoms with a written record does two things. First, it can indicate the kind of injury. Secondly, it helps to notice symptoms that people may dismiss, which could point to a serious condition. If the person has headaches or dizzy spells each day, they may not see – unless they are keeping track. Sometimes, head injuries have very subtle symptoms that are hard to catch.


3) Not taking extra precautions against additional head injury. Suppose a person already has one head injury. In that case, additional head injuries can become life-threatening or can seriously complicate the condition. After sustaining a head injury, they should ensure that they wear helmets or protective headgear for any contact sports, bicycle riding, motorcycle riding or other activities where there is a chance of head contact. They should take every precaution against head injury to ensure they do not worsen the condition.


4) Returning to regular activities too soon. Suppose a person has sustained a serious head injury. In that case, the first thing to do is speak with a doctor before returning to regular activities such as bicycle riding, contact sports, and other physical exertions. If they sustain injuries again while already having a head injury, the results could be life-threatening. Caution is advised against taking risks to the health. They should ensure they speak with their doctor about which activities they can return to and follow the doctor’s timetable for recovery.


5) Health Insurance. If a person has suffered a head injury, the medical costs associated are pretty high. It is not unusual for someone with a serious head injury to spend thousands of rupees in replacement income and medical bills in the first few years of their injury. In addition to the medical scans necessary to treat such an injury, serious head injuries may require surgery, rehabilitation, and many other expensive treatments. Therefore, having health insurance coverage is vital and helps mitigate the existing medical condition from a financial point of view.


Archana Hospital is at the forefront of every medical emergency, with specialists available around the clock. Do get in touch for any medical consultation at the earliest.